The McLean Revitalization Corporation 

The MRC’s mission is to encourage the revitalization of the Downtown McLean, and to foster the development of McLean as a cohesive business and residential location with offices, retail shops, residences and parks that contribute to a pleasing and economically-stable environment.

McLean Revitalization Corporation Current Initiatives

McLean Day 2023

McLean Day 2023

Saturday, May 20, 202311 a.m.–5 p.m.Lewinsville ParkSign up for a McLean Day exhibitor booth space to promote your organization, community group and/or business. Artisans and crafters are welcome!McLean Day ApplicationRegistration is filled on a first-come,...

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Scott’s Run Nature Preserve Watershed Cleanup

Scott’s Run Nature Preserve Watershed Cleanup

The Great Falls Group of the Sierra Club is holding a watershed cleanup event Saturday morning at Scott’s Run Nature Preserve in McLean. Scott's Run is an ecologically and globally unique preserve and home to remarkable plants and wildlife. However, in recent years,...

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Meet McLean

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