The McLean Revitalization Corporation
The MRC’s mission is to encourage the revitalization of the Downtown McLean, and to foster the development of McLean as a cohesive business and residential location with offices, retail shops, residences and parks that contribute to a pleasing and economically-stable environment.
McLean Revitalization Corporation Current Initiatives
Seeking Environmental Justice Warriors
What does Environmental Justice mean to you? High school students can explore the history and principals of EJ and take action for positive change! Earn the Environmental Justice Badge.Several definitions of environmental justice can be found using a quick Google...
One Water Art Contest
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) is joining regional water utilities to host its second annual art contest with the theme of protecting our source water. Local student artists in grades 9-12 can submit their art which captures the importance of...
Support Students and Teachers
Consider a Year-End Donation to Support Students and TeachersAs 2022 comes to a close, please consider a year-end gift to Educate Fairfax, the independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization that supports FCPS. Educate Fairfax works alongside teachers, principals,...
Meet McLean
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