McLean Scouts and their adult leaders will be conducting their annual Scouting for Food collection event, Saturday November 12, gathering donations for the SHARE food pantry. The food pantry is SHARE’s most visible program. Each neighbor may visit the pantry twice a month and choose the food and clothing they need. Some items in high demand have limits to ensure everyone gets at least one a month. This service relies on community members’ food drives and independent donations as the pantry goes through over 900 bags of groceries a month!

McLean residents should put out bags of food for donation before 8:30 a.m. as Scouts will come through neighborhoods beginning about then to collect the bags.

Here is a list of the most needed items at Share:

The National Capital Area Council, whose goal is to collect collect 1 million pounds of food, is a local council of the Boy Scouts of America within the Northeast Region that serves the Washington metropolitan area, including Washington, D.C., portions of Maryland and Virginia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.