On McLean Day, May 18, the dance students from Art in Motion Dance who take lessons and practice at the McLean Community Center will once again take the performance stage giving audiences a spectacular show. Allie O”Hare, creative director and owner of Art in Motion Dance, is the force behind the dancers and the show. McLean Today talks with O’Hare about the dancers, McLean Day and the show.
Q. When are the shows at McLean Day?
This year we split it into two shows: 11 a.m. show — I call it like my baby show — three to seven year olds. The later show is at 12:30 p.m.: eight years old and up, second, third graders all the way through high school.
Q. What makes performing on this day so fun?
Last year was our biggest ever. Our company keeps growing and growing. We had Almost 300 kids in all in the same show last year. We’re split putting it into two to make it more manageable this year. It’s just so awesome to see the amount of growth that we’ve had To see all the kids together and all in their little costumes. The parents can see how big the company is because usually they don’t really see anything outside of their child’s class. This is always a good warm-up performance for [our more formal end of year performance] at the Alden Theater. When the weather is nice, it’s literally my favorite day of the year. I love it.
Q. It must be personally gratifying as well?
My older girls, who have now been with me since they were three, four, five years old, It really is like we are a family. I know these kids from when they were three. There’s one girl, she started with me when she was four, was my assistant since she was 11 and now she’s about to go to Dartmouth. She’s like the smartest kid ever [and] is now actually working for me at McLean Day. [Her job is] helping me sit with kids, talk to kids, and then she came into my classes and learned how to assist me. Then one summer, she just took the lead of a class and I was like, “Oh My god, I need to pay her.” It’s just awesome to see where they all start and that they really stay with us. All the little ones love the big ones and the big ones love the little ones.
Q. How is performing with the crowds of McLean Day?
I love the crowd. I am a performer at heart. I’m not dancing on stage anymore, but I like talking on the microphone. And the kids, it pipes them up. The more people, the better. It’s a really good performing experience for the girls who’ve never performed before. It’s a little more informal because it’s outside as opposed to being on a stage with lights and you can’t see the audience. This is always a good warm-up performance for us for the Alden Theater. When the weather is nice, it’s literally my favorite day of the year. I always tell parents, “After they perform, make sure they change out of their costume — then they get to go on the rides and the games.
Q. Besides your dancers, what do you like best about McLean Day?
I like the food trucks.
Mclean Day 2023
To Volunteer at McLean Day: https://mcleantoday.org/mclean-day-volunteers-needed/
To find out more about McLean Day: https://mcleantoday.org/upcoming-events/
To learn more about Art in Dance: https://aimdance.org/aim-dance-staff/
For a listing of shows at the Alden Theater: https://mcleancenter.org/about/visit/the-alden-theatre/
Interview by Gayle Jo Carter, editor of McLean Today.
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