Dried-out live Christmas trees are a fire hazard and should not be left in the home, garage, or outside against the home.
Make sure to recycle your live tree.
Remove all decorations and place the tree at the curb. All licensed trash collectors in Fairfax County are required to collect and recycle live Christmas trees less than 8 feet tall that have been separately set out at single-family homes and townhouse communities during the first two weeks of January. Contact your trash collection company for questions regarding this service.
You can also self-haul it to one of our recycling facilities, either the I-66 Transfer Station on West Ox Road, or the I-95 Landfill complex on Furnace Road in Lorton.
If you have food scraps to compost, they can also be dropped off at the I-66 Transfer Station or the I-95 Landfill complex during operating hours, or at the Mosaic District Farmers Market on Sundays between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
To file a complaint about uncontained running bamboo spreading to an adjacent property or right-of-way, please contact the Department of Code Compliance at 703-324-1300, TTY 711, or file a complaint online at the Department of Code Compliance (DCC) website.