Transportation Pilot Study Open House

Background Information

McLean CBC Study LimitsThe McLean Community Business Center (CBC) is an approximately 230-acre area centered around the intersection of Chain Bridge Road and Old Dominion Drive.

The McLean CBC section of the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan identifies several challenges and recommendations, many focusing on transportation to achieve its goals.

The last significant review of the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for the CBC occurred in 1998. In 2018, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors authorized a new review of the Comprehensive Plan for the McLean CBC to encourage revitalization efforts and to create a “sense of place” that would consider:

  • land uses;
  • density;
  • associated transportation and public facility needs;
  • urban design guidance; and
  • Open Space Design standards.

Working with a community task force, County staff drafted a revised version of the McLean CBC comprehensive plan, that was adopted by the BOS (Plan Amendment 2018-II-M1) on June 22, 2021. A follow-on motion was also approved by the BOS for County staff to conduct a pilot study.

Scope of Study

The scope of the McLean CBC Pilot Study is to study and evaluate transportation options that would help support placemaking efforts in the McLean CBC by making it more pedestrian and bicycle friendly with street designs that also help lower vehicle speeds. In order to accomplish these goals, the pilot study will take into consideration five key ideas:

  1. Providing on-street parking during off-peak periods
  2. Reduce turning radii and travel lane widths
  3. Convert existing two-way left-turn lanes into raised or landscaped medians
  4. Remove dedicated right-turn lanes
  5. Reduce posted speed limit on Old Dominion Drive from Beverly Road to Corner Lane from 30 MPH to 25 MPH

These five ideas will be used to develop preferred transportation design concepts that will be presented to the public and stakeholders for their feedback. Conceptual engineering designs will be developed, as well as cost estimates and implementation recommendations. Proposed concepts will not require major construction work, such as curb relocations.

The pilot study design concepts will be developed for two corridors located at the center of the McLean CBC:

  1. Old Dominion Drive: Beverly Road to Corner Lane
  2. Chain Bridge Road: Old Chain Bridge Road to Tennyson Drive/Ingleside Avenue

McLean CBC Study Corridors

Traffic analysis is a key part of the pilot study. Six intersections will be studied as part of a traffic analysis that tries to determine how proposed concepts may affect the transportation network. These intersections include:

  1. Old Dominion Drive at Beverly Road
  2. Old Dominion Drive at Chain Bridge Road
  3. Chain Bridge Road at Old Chain Bridge Road
  4. Chain Bridge Road at Brawner Street
  5. Chain Bridge Road at Laughlin Avenue
  6. Chain Bridge Road at Tennyson Drive/Ingleside Avenue


Jun 17 2024


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Community Event


McLean Community Center
1234 Ingleside Ave, McLean, VA 22101