Learn How to Grow and Use Holiday Herbs and Spices
Sponsored by Seniors in Action
Open to Adults of All Ages
Presented by Peggy Riccio
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 10-11 a.m. at the McLean Community Center
$5/Free for SIA Members. Registration required.
Learn how to grow the herbs we traditionally use for the upcoming holidays. For each plant, discover the best time and method to start growing, cultural requirements, harvesting and preserving techniques, and methods for using it in the kitchen. Also, learn more about the spices we often use at Thanksgiving and Christmas. A handout will be provided.
Peggy Riccio is the owner of pegplant.com, an online resource for gardening in the D.C. metro area; President, Potomac Unit, Herb Society of America and National Director, GardenComm, a professional association of garden communicators.
Questions: Contact SIA Program Manager Caroline Conley at caroline.conley@fairfaxcounty.gov.